104. Period of validity of licences and medical fitness assessment.–  


(1) A Student Air Traffic Controller’s Licence shall remain valid for a maximum period of three years from the date of issue and may be renewed for a further period not exceeding three years subject to conditions to be specified by the Director-General.

(2) Subject to sub-rules (5) and (6) of rule 95 and rules 105, 107 and 109, an Air Traffic Controller’s License shall remain valid until the holder attains the age of sixty years:

Provided that the validity of the licence shall lapse, if the holder has not held a valid rating for more than five years and the renewal of the license in such case shall be subject to the fulfilment of the requirements of rule 110 and Schedule III. 

(3)  The maximum period of validity of a medical fitness assessment shall be four years from the date of medical examination.


(4) The period of validity of medical fitness specified in sub-rule (3), shall be reduced to two years after the holder of the licence has attained the age of forty years which shall be further reduced to one year after the holder of the licence has attained the age of fifty years.


(5) (a) The period of validity of a licence shall commence from the date of issue.


(b)        In case of renewal, the period of validity shall commence from the date following the date of expiry of the previous validity, irrespective of the date of renewal, provided the application for renewal has been submitted within a period of thirty days preceding the date of expiry and all the requirements for renewal are met on the date of application.


(c)  In any other case, the validity of renewal of licence shall commence from the date of renewal. 


(6) (a) The period of validity of initial medical fitness assessment shall commence from the date of the medical examination.


(b) In case of renewal, the period of validity of medical fitness assessment shall commence from the date following the date of expiry of the previous medical fitness assessment, irrespective of the date of renewal,
provided the medical examination for renewal has been conducted within a period of not more than forty-five days preceding the date of expiry of the previous validity.


(c)  In any other case, the validity of renewal of medical fitness assessment shall commence from the date of renewal.  



[Inserted by GSR No 64(E) dated 3-2-2012; and

Amended by GSR 1089(E) dated 05-11-2018]





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