112. Tests, assessment and examination (1) The Directror-General or any other organisation specifically authorised by the Director-General may, conduct examinations to test the level of knowledge specified in Schedule III, fix examination centres within India, appoint invigilators and specify the procedure for conducting the examinations.


(2)  The Director-General shall, specify the detailed syllabi for the examinations for issue of the licences and ratings.

(3) (a) The Director-General, or any organisation under the control of the Government duly authorised by the Director-General, may appoint examiners for conducting examinations and assessment required under Schedule III and may also appoint a Board to conduct examinations and assessment, wherever necessary.

(b) The examiners shall be selected on the basis of criteria specified for the purpose by the Director-General and the examination and assessment reports shall be submitted to the licensing authority in respect of any examination and assessment conducted for issue or renewal of a licence or endorsement of a rating on a licence.

(4) The Director-General may determine the manner in which the assessment and proficiency checks shall be carried out.

(5) The Director-General may, debar permanently or temporarily a person from any assessment or examination if, in his opinion, the person has adopted unfair means during the assessment or examination.

(6) (a) The Director-General may, declare any examination or assessment conducted by an authorised person or a Board null and void, if in his opinion, the examination or assessment has not been carried out to his satisfaction, and require the examination or assessment to be carried out again by another authorised person or a Board.

            (b) The Director-General may also take such action against such authorised person or Board as he may deem fit.


         [Inserted by GSR No 64(E) dated 3-2-2012;

Amended by (i) GSR 1089(E) dated 05-11-2018; and

                    (ii) GSR 579(E) dated 9th August 2019]



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