GOVERNMENT OF INDIA CIVIL AVIATION REQUIREMENTS CIVIL AVIATION DEPARTMENT SECTION 2 - AIRWORTHINESS SERIES ' L' PART XI ISSUE III,DATED 24TH FEBRUARY, 1995 File No. 11-690/95-AI(2) EFFECTIVE : FORTHWITH Subject :Approval of Flight Engineer Examiners and Check Flight Engineers. 1. This part of Series 'L' of Civil Aviation Requirements specifies the conditions for approval of Flight Engineer Examiners and Check Flight Engineers as per Sub-Rule 2, Rule 41A of the Aircraft Rules, 1937. 2. REQUIREMENTS : 2.1 GENERAL 2.1.1 The seniority, the position in the airline and the renumeration received by the Flight Engineer shall not be the consideration for approval as a Check Flight Engineer/ Flight Engineer Examiner. 2.1.2 The Flight Engineer recommended for approval as Check Flight Engineer/ Flight Engineer Examiner shall be known for their impartiality, free from prejudices, strong likes and dislikes, and capable of recording fair assessments. 2.1.3 The operators, before recommending the names of the Flight Engineers for such approvals, shall subject the Flight Engineers to a process of selection, suitability tests and necessary training . While seeking the approval of DGCA, the operator shall furnish a statement showing compliance of all the requirements stipulated in this CAR in respect of each Flight Engineer and certify that the Flight Engineer is competent to exercise the privileges as provided in the CAR. 2.1.4 The Flight Engineer recommended for approval as Check Flight Engineer/ Flight Engineer Examiner should have been regularly flying the aircraft on which the approval is sought. They should have consistently shown satisfactory proficiency and (i) should have obtained Flight Engineer licence on the type in the first attempt. (ii) should not have failed in any of the proficiency checks on simulator/ aircraft during the preceding two years. (iii)should have a record completely free of notifiable accident attributable to Flight Engineer's proficiency and (iv) should have a record completely free of any incident attributable to Flight Engineer's proficiency during the preceding three years. 2.1.5 The Check Flight Engineer/ Flight Engineer Examiner shall be capable of instilling high standard of discipline in the Flight Engineers and have balanced attitude towards them. 2.1.6 The Flight Engineer recommended by operator for approval as Examiner/Check Flight Engineer for the first time shall undergo the stipulated training and satisfactory check on an approved simulator/aircraft before approaching DGCA for such approvals. The Flight Engineer who fails in the test shall not be considered for the respective approval for a period of two years. 2.1.7 Flight Engineers who are approved as Check Flight Engineers for the first time will be checked by Flight Engineer Examiner along with DGCA Flight Inspector before they are released by the operator to act as Check Flight Engineer. 2.1.8 The Flight Engineer once approved as Check Flight Engineer/ Flight Engineer Examiner may be disqualified by the DGCA, if subsequently found lacking in any of the aforesaid qualities. Besides, a Board consisting of the Director of Operations and Director/ Chief of Training from the respective airline may also recommend to DGCA, disqualification of Check Flight Engineer/ Flight Engineer Examiner, giving adequate justification. 2.2 MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS OF FLYING EXPERIENCE 2.2.1 Check Flight Engineer (i) Total Flying Experience 2000 hours (ii) Total Experience on the type 500 hours (iii) Experience on the type within last six months 100 hours 2.2.2 Flight Engineer Examiner (i) Total Flying Experience 2500 hours (ii) Total Experience on the type 1000 hours (iii) Experience on the type within last six months 100 hours (iv) Minimum number of Route Checks carried out in the preceding one year 10 Route Checks |2.3 A Check Flight Engineer/ Flight Engineer Examiner shall | exercise his privileges only when he has a minimum of 10 | hours flying experience as Flight Engineer on the type | during the preceding 30 days and a certificate to this | effect shall be recorded in the check-report. 3. MINIMUM TRAINING REQUIREMENTS FOR EXAMINER/CHECK FLIGHT ENGINEER 3.1 MINIMUM TRAINING FOR CHECK FLIGHT ENGINEER: 3.1.1 GROUND TRAINING The trainee Check Flight Engineer shall have satisfactorily completed an approved course of instruction on the duties and functions of Check Flight Engineer. The applicant should complete the technical and performance refresher which shall include Normal Procedures, Alternate Procedures, Abnormal and Emergency Procedures and should pass the written examination. 3.1.2 SIMULATOR TRAINING (i) Simulator trainings for two hours shall be required for imparting training in normal, abnormal and emergency conditions and taking corrective actions. (ii) Two hours check by Flight Engineer Examiner. 3.1.3 AIRCRAFT TRAINING/CHECK The trainee Check Flight Engineer should undergo atleast two route checks by Flight Engineer Examiner on the aircraft type. 3.2 MINIMUM TRAINING FOR FLIGHT ENGINEER EXAMINER 3.2.1 GROUND TRAINING The trainee Flight Engineer Examiner shall have satisfactorily completed an approved course of instruction on the duties and functions of Flight Engineer Examiner. The trainee Flight Engineer Examiner should complete the technical and performance refresher which shall include Normal Procedures, Alternate Procedures, Abnormal and Emergency Procedures and should pass the written examination. 3.2.2 SIMULATOR TRAINING (i) Simulator training for eight hours shall be required for imparting training in normal, abnormal and emergency conditions and taking corrective actions. (ii) Two hours check by Flight Engineer Examiner. 3.2.3 AIRCRAFT TRAINING/CHECK The trainee Flight Engineer Examiner should undergo atleast two route checks by Flight Engineer Examiner. 3.2.4 EXAMINATION An oral-cum-practical examination will be conducted by a Board consisting of DDG (Headquarters) as Chairman, DAW/CAW and Flight Engineer Examiner as members. 4. VALIDITY : The approval of Flight Engineer Examiner/Check Flight Engineer will be valid for the calendar year upto 31st December of the year unless extended by DGCA. 5. RENEWAL OF THE APPROVAL The approval of the Flight Engineer Examiner / Check Flight Engineer may be renewed for a period of one year on application from the operator subject to the fulfillment of the following conditions : 5.1 Flight Engineer Examiner a) He should have not less than 100 hrs. of flying experience as Flight Engineer during six months preceding the date of application. b) He should have a clean professional record during the 12 months preceding the date of application. 5.2 Check Flight Engineer a) He should have not less than 100 hrs. of flying experience as Flight Engineer during the six months preceding the date of application. b) He should have been checked and found satisfactory by a Flight Engineer Examiner in carrying out his duties as Check Flight Engineer. 6. PRIVILEGES 6.1 Flight Engineer Examiner (i) To carry out skill test for Student Flight Engineer for issue of aircraft rating of Flight Engineer licence. (ii) To carry out skill test for Flight Engineer for issue/extension of aircraft rating of Flight Engineer licence. (iii) To carry out skill test for Check Flight Engineer. (iv) To exercise the privileges of Check Flight Engineer. 6.2 Check Flight Engineer (i) To carry out the route checks for renewal of Flight Engineer's licence. (ii) To carry out the route check for issue/extension of rating in the Flight Engineer's licence of a person having undergone a check under a Flight Engineer Examiner. 7. The Air Transport Operator is required to submit the application as per Appendix 'A' sponsoring the Flight Engineer for initial approval and for renewal of Check Flight Engineer/ Flight Engineer Examiner to the DGCA Hqrs. by 30th November every year. 8. DGCA Hqrs. shall release a list of approved Check Flight Engineers/ Flight Engineer Examiners for each year which shall be valid for one calendar year after conducting oral cum practical examination for initial approval . 9. When a new type of aircraft is inducted, it is expected that the operators would nominate the required number of suitably qualified Flight Engineer Examiners/Check Flight Engineers for the purpose of training/conversion with the manufacturers/ Airline operator(s) where such facilities exist. Previous experience as a Flight Engineer/ Check Flight Engineer/ Flight Engineer Examiner will be taken into consideration while approving Flight Engineer Examiner/Check Flight Engineer on the new type of aircraft. 10. In case adequate number of Flight Engineers meeting fully the aforesaid requirements are not available, the Director General may, at his discretion, relax the requirements taking into consideration the past performance, the flying record and the experience of the Flight Engineer. Sd/- (K. Prabhakar Rao) Deputy Director General of Civil Aviation for Director General of Civil Aviation APPENDIX 'A' APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL/RENEWAL OF EXAMINER / CHECK FLIGHT ENGINEER. 1. Name : 2. Flight Engineer Licence No. 3. Validity of Flight Engineer Licence: 4. Aircraft rating endorsed on the licence: 5. Total hours of flight experience as a Flight Engineer : 6. Total flying experience on the type of aircraft for which approval is sought : 7. The number of hours flown on the type of aircraft within 6 months preceding the date of application : 8. Assessment of Proficiency checks on simulator/ aircraft : 9. Type of aircraft on which currently flying : 10. Any accident attributable to Flight Engineer's proficiency : 11. Any incident in airline operations attributable to Flight Engineer's proficiency : 12. Number of Flight Engineer Examiners/ Check Flight Engineers already approved on the type of aircraft : It is certified that the Flight Engineer Shri_______________________ F.E. Licence No._____ meets all the requirements as laid down in the Civil Aviation Requirements Section 2, Series 'L' Part XI and competent to exercise the privileges of Check Flight Engineer/ Flight Engineer Examiner. It is recommended that the Flight Engineer may be approved/ renewed as Check Flight Engineer/ Flight Engineer Examiner. Date ___________ Director of Operation - END -